^c7eThis conversion of Wolfenstein 3D is dedicated to Dave Howard.
STORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . 6
ABOUT ^c7cId ^c00 . . . . . . . . . . 12
ABOUT ^c80Powerslave ^c00 . . . 15
THE REST . . . . . . . . . . 19
^c00This is the epic story of B.J. Blazkowicz, American spy for the Allied forces in World War II. Facing horrific dangers, sometimes he only had a knife and his wits between him and death. His escape from Nazi imprisonment is the stuff of contemporary legend.
^c00Herein are the tales of our hero and his nighttime assault on the wagers of chemical war: his assignment to eliminate Otto Giftmacher, the creator of the weapons; his search for the plans to the Giftkrieg, or Poison War; and his final battle against the man organzing the insidious war, General Fettgesicht. This is the tale of how B.J. Blazkowicz became a symbol of freedom and justice, how he stood against untold odds and dealt the enemy a crippling blow.
Captain William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz, you've got a gun and a deadly mission ahead. Good luck!
Hey, if you make it, you'll have something to tell your grandkids about . . . .
If you don't, at least you'll go out in a blaze of glory!
In Wolfenstein 3-D, you can use the keyboard, mouse, or Acorn-compatible joystick.
To move around the menus, use the arrow keys to move from item to item, then press ^c6eEnter ^c00to select that item. ^c6eEsc ^c00always backs out.
Or use the mouse or joystick -- they work, too!
Once you are in the game, use the arrow keys to move. Hold down ^c6eShift ^c00to run fast.
Press ^c6eCtrl ^c00to fire your weapon.
Use ^c6eAlt ^c00 with the left and right arrows to slide side to side instead of turning left or right. This is called "Strafe Mode."
Press ^c6eSpace ^c00to Open Doors and activate elevators to go to the next floor of the keep.
When using the mouse or joystick, use button 1 to shoot, button 2 to strafe.
With a mouse or three-button joystick, use the third button to open doors.
Your joystick may even have a fourth button, useful as a run button.
Once you have more than one weapon, the keys 1-4 choose the weapons:
Holding down the fire button is fun, but short bursts save bullets.
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Some walls in the prison can be pushed back to reveal hidden rooms. Hold down Space to push the wall in front of you. Just think of Space as the Use key. It will use doors, use elevators, and so on.
There are locked doors in the castle that require either a gold or silver key. It will be somewhere on the floor you're on.
If you find your health dropping, pick up some food or first aid. You'll find you're damaged more when shot at close range.
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Pick up the ammo left behind when you toast someone. For instance, perforate an SS--free machine gun!
You get a free guy every 40,000 points, so collect those treasures! (You can have a maximum of nine lives.)
When you get killed, you lose everything but your gun and start at the beginning of the floor you were on.
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^c7eABOUT ^c6eId ^c7eSOFTWARE
Yes, that's Id, as in the id, ego, and superego in the psyche. These guys were kind enough to license Wolfenstein 3D for playing on your Archimedes. How can you beat that?
^c2cWe'll answer that question in a few months. . . .
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^c7eId Software is . . .
^c00John Carmack
John Romero
^c00Adrian Carmack
^c00Tom Hall
^PAGE 14
^c7eId Software is . . .
^c00Jay Wilbur
^c00Robert Prince
^c00Jason Blochowiak
^PAGE 15
^c7ePowerslave Software is . . .
^c7e. . . um . . .
^c00Eddie Edwards
^c00Ann Edwards
^c00Ian Ferguson
^c00Jon Kale
^c00Daniel Simms
^PAGE 16
You have all this right here:
^c29Operation: Eisenfaust
^c00Fight an evil army of undead killing machines, the hideous experiments of the maniacal Dr. Schabbs! Then battle the deadly Doctor himself!
^c29Die, Fuhrer, Die!
^c00With the Third Reich crumbling around him, Hitler seems bent on taking the world with him. You must charge his gigantic bunker, find him, and end the evil once and for all!
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^c29Episode Four: A Dark Secret
^c00Intelligence has uncovered a Nazi plot for large scale chemical warfare. You must eliminate maniac scientist Otto Giftmacher.
^c29Episode Five: Trail of the Madman
^c00The scientist is dead but the plans are in motion. Explore the dark dungeon and find the plans, man!
^c29Episode Six: Confrontation
^c00Prepare for the final battle with General Fettgesicht, organizer of the chemical war!
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^c00This game is not shareware: it is only available from Powerslave Software or authorized dealers. Please do not distribute the Archimedes version of Wolfenstein 3D. If you do, you will be directly contributing towards the demise of the Acorn games scene - you have been warned!
^PAGE 19
^c00Powerslave Software is committed to providing Acorn users with top-quality games and whatever else we feel like writing. We are out to prove that when it comes to games, or anything else you want to do on your computer, the Archimedes can beat them all!
We would like to thank YOU for supporting us by buying this game. Please remember to send in your registration card so we can plan for your needs and wants.
^PAGE 20
Here's some quotes from Spinal Tap:
Nigel Tufnel, Lead Guitarist: "These go to eleven."
Derek Smalls, Bassist: "They're like fire and ice, and I see myself as somewhere in between - kind of like luke-warm water, if you will."
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David St Hubbins, Guitarist: "I'm sure I'd feel a lot worse if I wasn't under such heavy sedation."
Ian Faith, Manager: "Well you should have seen the cover they ^c29wanted ^c00to have."
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^c29A few without-whoms:
^c00Neil Edwards, Cake (yes, my brother is called Cake), Mark Lynch, Simon Reap, Nick Richards, Sam Miller, Frank Isodor, Martin Thomas, John McIlroy, all my beta testers, and everyone else who has supported me and been cool.
Thanks also go out to Id Software, especially Jay Wilbur (CEO) and John Carmack (a ^c29real ^c00without-whom!)
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^c00Thanks for playing Wolfenstein 3-D. Please support Powerslave Software if you enjoy this game, and if you don't . . .
. . . write and tell us why - we'll try to fix it next time!
Now, go get 'em!
(ESC to return to menu.)
You run out of the castle and hook up with the Underground. They inform you that the rumors were true: some hideous human experiments were seen around Castle Hollehammer. So Operation Eisenfaust is real!
You must journey there and terminate the maniacal Dr. Schabbs before his undead army marches against humanity!
And in episode three, Hitler hides in his titanic bunker as the Third Reich crumbles about him. It is your job to assassinate him, ending his mad reign.
And if you like Wolfenstein, you'll love the prequel trilogy of Nocturnal Missions! Thirty more action-packed, super- challenging levels!
And not a penny more to pay!
You stand over Schabbs' fat, evil, swollen putrid body, glad your mission is finally over. All his journals and equipment will be destroyed. Humanity is safe from his hordes of hideous mutants.
Yet the Nazi atrocities continue: thousands march into death camps even as the Nazi war machine falls to its knees. There is only one way to stop the madness. . . .
In episode three, Hitler hides in his titanic bunker as the Third Reich crumbles about him. It is your job to assassinate him, ending his mad reign. You find he has escaped to the Reichstag, and there you must confront him.
And if you like Wolfenstein, you'll love the prequel trilogy of "Nocturnal Missions!" Thirty more action-packed, super- challenging levels! Just select them from the menu - no more cash required!
The absolute incarnation of evil, Adolf Hitler, lies at your feet in a pool of his own blood. His wrinkled, crimson- splattered visage still strains, a jagged- toothed rictus trying to cry out. Insane even in death. Your lips pinched in bitter victory, you kick his head off his remains and spit on his corpse.
Sieg heil . . . huh. Sieg hell.
And if you like Wolfenstein, you'll love the prequel trilogy of "Nocturnal Missions!" Thirty more action-packed, super- challenging levels! B.J. battles the Nazis as they plan large-scale chemical warfare. Fight Otto Giftmacher, Gretel Grosse, and General Fettgesicht!
Want to order them from Powerslave Software? No need - they're all right here!
The twisted scientist behind the chemical war lies at your feet, but the fruits of his labor grow elsewhere! The first wave of chemical war is already underway. In the heavily guarded fortress of Erlangen are the plans for the upcoming Giftkrieg (or Poison War). Find them and you'll know where to find General Fettgesicht, leader of the deadly assault.
So don't wait . . . start the next adventure and find those plans!
Good luck!
Gretel Grosse the giantess guard has fallen. Hope her brother, Hans, doesn't get mad about this....
Now rush to the military installation at Offenbach and stop the horrible attack before thousands die under the deadly, burning clouds of chemical war. Only you can do it, B.J.
Go get General Fettgeischt before he begins the mad plans of pain and destruction!
This is going to be the toughest yet, B.J. Let's go!
The General gasps his last breath, and the free world is safe from the terrifying Nazi chemical war. You return to Allied Headquarters, a Medal of Honor waiting for you.
Allied Command informs you of some nefarious activities around Castle Hollehammer. Something about some grey-skinned berserk soldiers . . . .
You have finished the sixth Wolfenstein episode!
You are truly one of the great heroes! The world cheers your name! You get your picture taken with the president! People name their babies after you! You marry a movie star! Yes! You are so cool!
I hope you enjoyed the game as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Eddie xxx
(P.S. Don't forget to send in your registration card!)